Public involvement

How to have your say
If you would like to be kept informed about opportunities for involvement (for example the Trust's Quality Conversations or Equality and Diversity issues) please contact the Patient Experience Team.
Healthwatch Oxfordshire
Healthwatch Oxfordshire is your voice on health and social care.
Whether it is improving services today, or helping to shape them for tomorrow, Healthwatch Oxfordshire is all about enabling local voices to influence the delivery and design of local health and social care in our county.
Healthwatch is independent, and accountable to the people of Oxfordshire, so please tell Healthwatch how you would like to be treated and cared for, and what is important to you when using health and social care services, and together you can make a difference.
To find out more please visit:
Healthwatch Oxfordshire
Get in touch with Healthwatch Oxfordshire about your experience of our hospitals:
Public Partnership Groups
Please visit: 'Public Partnership Groups'
Have your say on local health issues
Your feedback can help shape the healthcare services provided in Oxfordshire.
Come and talk health: register to have your say
Working with the voluntary sector
Many hospital departments have links with voluntary organisations. Involvement varies; for some it is an exchange of information, and for others it is being far more involved in service developments.
The following organisations provide important support for the Trust and its patients and staff.
Healthtalkonline / Youthhealthtalk
DIPEx has created two websites: and
of people's experiences of nearly 60 different illnesses and health conditions.
The websites are aimed at patients, their carers, family and friends, doctors, nurses and other health professionals, and are based on in-depth qualitative research carried out by the Health Experiences Research Group at the University of Oxford.
Last reviewed:09 January 2023