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Centres and units on the hospital site

The Churchill Hospital site contains a number of buildings.

The main ones are listed below. Please check carefully where you need to go so that you can choose the closest car park or bus stop.

Oxford Cancer and Haematology Centre

Oxford Cancer and Haematology Centre
Churchill Hospital
Old Road
Oxford OX3 7LE

Tel: 0300 304 7777 (Churchill switchboard)

Oxford University Hospitals is a base for leading experts in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and assocated conditions.

The majority of our services have been brought together on the Churchill site in the Oxford Cancer and Haematology Centre.

Cancer Services

Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism (OCDEM)

Churchill Hospital
Old Road
Oxford OX3 7LE

Tel: 01865 857300 (Reception)

Diabetes services at Oxford University Hospitals are provided from the Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism (OCDEM), which is based at the Churchill Hospital.

OCDEM is a unique clinical, academic and research partnership between the NHS, the University of Oxford and private enterprise.

OCDEM website

Other centres / units

Oxford Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre

Oxford Kidney Unit

Oxford Transplant Centre

Sobell House Hospice

Sobell House Hospice
Churchill Hospital
Oxford OX3 7LJ


Sobell House, Oxford, is an adult specialist palliative care service for people with a life-threatening illness.

Palliative Care - Oxford University Hospitals

The multi-professional team is supported by volunteers.

The work of Sobell House is supported by Sobell Hospice Charity. The latest addition, the Garden Annex, opened in 2019 following a major fundraising effort.

Sobell House Hospice Charity

Fulbrook Centre

The Fulbrook Centre, next to Car Park 3 at the bottom of the Churchill Hospital map, incorporates the Cherwell Ward and is run by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.

Last reviewed:20 September 2024