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Hospital at Home (H@H) referrals

The Hospital at Home team helps you avoid or shorten a hospital stay by providing treatment for you at home when you are acutely unwell.

If you believe you, or your family member, could benefit from this service, please speak to your healthcare provider, who can make a referral.

Healthcare providers can contact our team using the contact details below.

Contact us

Healthcare providers only

John Radcliffe Hospital / Central

Tel: 01865 227461 (7.30am - 8.30pm)

Mobile: 07887 631924


Horton General Hospital / North

Tel: 01295 224127 (7.30am - 8.30pm)

Mobile: 07552 250227


Abingdon / South

Tel: 01865 904256 (8.00am - 10.00pm)


Services provided

  • Palliative care / end of life care
  • Verification of death
  • Symptom management
  • Subcutaneous fluids and medications
  • Administration of IV medications
  • IV Bolus
  • IV Furosemide
  • IV Ferinject
  • Phlebotomy
  • Anticoagulation management
  • Monitoring of vital signs, ECGs and weights
  • Catheter care / insertion / bladder scanning
  • Drain management
  • Dressings and wound management
  • Non-medical nurse prescribing
  • Medical cover and oversight
  • BM monitoring and titration
  • Elastomerics
  • Patient education and teaching (including IV self-administration)
  • Nebulisers
  • Miami collars
  • Midline insertion, PICC line care and removal
  • GP admission avoidance assessments
  • Point of Care bloods / Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
  • Oxygen 4L via concentrators
  • Oxygen weaning
  • COVID-19 care at home support via Virtual Ward
  • Antimicrobial stewardship
  • Organisation of long-term antibiotic cover
  • Virtual Ward telephone support on discharge
Last reviewed:23 July 2024