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'Sharepoint' links point to the OUH intranet, which is accessible to staff with an OUH login. 'OXNET' is also an internal system.

Safeguarding concerns relating to employees must be raised immediately with the OUH Workforce Safeguarding Team as we all have a duty of care to our patients and colleagues.

Safeguarding concerns may relate to concerns for, or about, patients or colleagues.

Concerns relating to patients

Safeguarding concerns relating to patients must be raised in accordance with the Trust's Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy (

You must also report your concerns to the Ward Sister / Charge Nurse and the patient's Consultant.

Concerns relating to OUH staff

Safeguarding concerns relating to colleagues must be raised with the Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) for Workforce.


The relevant safeguarding team will be responsible for co-ordinating support to those involved and any investigation required into the concerns.

Where the concerns are about harm caused by a staff member these will be managed in accordance with the Trust's Managing Allegations Against Staff and Persons in a Position of Trust Policy (

Safeguarding investigations may be led by and/or involve other external agencies e.g. Oxfordshire County Council, the Police.

Where there is an allegation of harm made against a member of OUH staff an internal investigation process under the Trust Conduct and Expected Behaviours (including Sexual Misconduct) Procedure may follow.

Wellbeing support

Additional support for Sexual Safety in the workplace is available from:

Escalating a concern

If you feel your concern is not being responded to and your concern is about a patient's safety, you can escalate your concern through the following route:

  1. Head of Safeguarding
  2. Chief Nursing Officer
  3. Care Quality Commission

If you feel you are not getting a response and your concern is about a colleague's safety, you can escalate your concern through the following route:

  1. Assistant Director of Workforce - Employee Relations
  2. Director of Workforce
  3. Chief People Officer
Last reviewed:14 March 2024