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Counter fraud

'Sharepoint' links point to the OUH intranet, which is accessible to staff with an OUH login. 'OXNET' is also an internal system.

You should report your concerns immediately via email or online. Your concerns will be completely confidential and this can be done anonymously.

Your concerns can be raised through any of the following:

Once a concern is received, this is managed by our external counter fraud provider, TIAA.

TIAA is responsible for the initial fact-finding investigation and any further formal investigation. Support to this process is provided internally by the Assistant Director of Workforce (Employee Relations).

In some cases, once the TIAA investigation is completed, further action may be required under the Trust's Conduct and Expected Behaviours Procedure. In these cases, the employee's Line Manager will usually be responsible for managing the process with support provided by the Divisional Workforce Team.

Wellbeing support

Escalating a concern

If you feel your concern is not being responded to, you can escalate your concern through the following route:

  1. Chief Finance Officer (OUH)
  2. Director of Fraud (TIAA)
Last reviewed:14 March 2024