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Phoebe Jenkins

This article is more than two years old.
Midwife Phoebe Jenkins

Midwife Phoebe Jenkins was presented with a DAISY Award for displaying outstanding compassion to a family who sadly experienced a stillbirth.

The mother who made the nomination said: "To me it just didn't seem possible that we'd be able to cope with so much pain and heartbreak and loss and go through labour and then finally meet our little girl for the first time. Looking back I know we wouldn't have got through that time in hospital without Phoebe and I am so very grateful that the stars aligned and she was there that day to look after us."

She added: "While in her incredible care, Phoebe made sure we always knew what was happening but gave us information in a way that wasn't overwhelming or too much to digest. She was also kind and listened and even laughed with us.

"She was there when we needed her and gave us space to be alone when we wanted it. It was like having an old friend with us as someone who knew us well.

"When [the baby] was born we had the loveliest few hours with them. I didn't feel frightened and I didn't feel pain - we felt peaceful and we felt a lot of love. Having such a positive experience in hospital has given us the foundations we absolutely needed for staying strong keeping it together and returning to life."

Sam Foster, our Chief Nursing Officer, was joined with other members of the OUH Nursing team to present the award and say well done to Phoebe.

Congratulations, Phoebe, and thank you for delivering such compassionate and excellent care to this family, and other patients, in such difficult circumstances.