Clinical Haematology referrals
Electronic Referral System (ERS)
Previously known as 'Choose & Book'.
All referrals from GPs to Clinical Haematology must go through ERS. We accept referrals for both the Churchill and Horton sites. You can refer a patient via ERS on:
- a Two Week Wait (2WW) pathway
- an Urgent pathway
- a Routine pathway.
Clinical Haematology is not a directly bookable service. Please refer the patient via ERS using the information below.
The Haematology Team will triage the referral on receipt and book the patient in for the most appropriate clinic.
The exception to this is Oxford Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre (OHTC).
How to refer
To refer patient on a 2WW pathway, please ensure you select either of the below, depending on which site is most appropriate:
- Suspected Haematological Cancer (Churchill)-RAS-Oxford University Hospitals-RTH
- Suspected Haematological Cancer (Banbury)-RAS-Oxford University Hospitals-RTH
For an Urgent / Routine referral, please ensure you select either of the below, depending on which site is most appropriate:
- Clinical Haematology-(Churchill)-Referral Assessment Service- Oxford University Hospitals-RTH
- Clinical Haematology-(Banbury)-Referral Assessment Service- Oxford University Hospitals-RTH
MDT referrals
Immunohaematology and Obstetric Haematology MDT
The Immunohaematology and Obstetric Haematology MDT meeting is held weekly, every Thursday from 12.30 - 1.00pm.
Dr Michael Desborough and Dr Sue Pavord are the named clinicians for the MDT.
The Immunohaematology and Obstetric Haematology MDT comprises:
- Consultants from the Immunohaematology and Obstetric Haematology teams
- Specialist Nurse Practitioners
- Clinical Fellows and Haematology Registrars
- TTP Service Manager
- TTP Psychologists
In order to ensure that key members can participate, meetings take place via MS Teams.
Treatments are based on evidence-based guidelines and protocols available at the link below:
Network Site Specific Group (NSSG) - Haematology: Immunohaematology
Blood and Marrow Transplant (BMT) MDT
The BMT MDT meeting is held twice monthly, every second and fourth Monday 12.00 noon - 1.30pm.
Dr Andy Peniket is the BMT Programme Director and the named clinician for the MDT.
The BMT MDT comprises:
- Consultants from the Lymphoma, Myeloma and Myeloid teams
- BMT Nurse Practitioner and Co-ordinators
- BMT Fellow
- Transplant Immunologist(s)
- BMT MDT Co-ordinator.
In order to ensure that key members can participate, meetings take place via MS Teams.
Treatments are based on evidence-based guidelines and protocols available at the link below:
Network Site Specific Group (NSSG) - Haematology: BMT
Lymphoma MDT
The Lymphoma MDT meeting is held weekly on Wednesday 1.00pm - 3.00pm.
Dr Graham Collins is the single named lead clinician for the MDT.
The Lymphoma MDT comprises consultants from a range of specialties including:
- Chemotherapy
- Radiotherapy
- Radiology
- Pathology (including molecular diagnostics).
These consultants, with the support of Advanced Nurse Practitioners and the wider team, deliver a service that includes the diagnosis and management of all new patients and agreed follow-up of patients with lymphoma within the Thames Valley.
Treatments are based on evidence-based guidelines and protocols available at the link below:
Network site specific group (NSSG) - Haematology: Lymphoma
Myeloid MDT
The Myeloid MDT meeting is held weekly on Thursday.
The Regional meeting takes place at 11.30am - 12.30pm and alternates with the Local meeting which takes place 12.30pm -1.00pm.
Prof Paresh Vyas is the single named lead clinician for the MDT and Dr Adam Mead and Dr Andy Peniket are the Vice Chairs.
The Myeloid MDT comprises consultants from a range of specialties including:
- Chemotherapy
- Cytogenetics
- Pathology (including molecular diagnostics).
These consultants, with the support of Advanced Nurse Practitioners and the wider team, deliver a service that includes the diagnosis and management of all new patients and agreed follow-up of patients with a myeloid disorder within the Thames Valley.
Treatments are based on evidence-based guidelines and protocols available at the link below:
Network site specific group (NSSG) - Haematology: Myloid
OXCOM Clinic - MGUS referrals
If you have been notified by the Monocolonal Gammopathy Pathway Team (based in the Immunology Lab), and asked to refer your patient to the OXCOM clinic due to a diagnosis of MGUS, please refer the patient via ERS on a routine referral.
Thames Valley Strategic Clinical Network - Low-Risk MGUS Pathway
Oxford Haemophilia and Thrombosis Centre
Anticoagulation Service
GP Anticoagulation Service referral form (Word, 49 KB)
If you have an email account, please email the form securely to us at:
DVT Service
Directly Bookable Service for OHTC
The GP surgery will generate an appointment referral request with appropriate priority (urgent or routine) for the service on e-Referral and UBRN in the usual way.
An electronic proforma or appropriate letter needs to be attached to the e-Referral system by the surgery within 48 hours for a Routine or Urgent appointment.
In the case that the Trust cannot provide an immediate appointment, 'Defer to Provider' can be selected and Trust processes will be in place to contact the patient within 48 hours for an urgent or routine appointment.
For further information please visit 'e-Referral'.
Last reviewed:05 March 2024