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Treatment options


As gynaecologists with an interest in pain, the doctors are familiar with a wide range of surgical, hormonal and non-hormonal treatments used in the management of pain associated with endometriosis and adenomyosis. We will undertake a thorough assessment to ensure that all underlying conditions have been considered.

We are also able to help manage pelvic pain generated by other conditions and circumstances. We aim to discuss these options and support you to develop your own treatment plan. We recognise that this may take some months and involve learning to manage flare-ups of the chronic pain as well as treating the underlying contributory factors.


We offer short-term focused counselling in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space.


Referral to a clinical psychologist does not mean that anyone thinks your pain is 'all in your head' or 'imaginary'. Rather, clinical psychologists are involved in the management of chronic pain because the pain may well affect most aspects of your life, including your ability to work, your role within the family or other important relationships, what you can do around the home and your social life.

Your experience of pain may leave you feeling fed-up, frustrated and worried about the future. These feelings can affect your confidence and motivation, which can make things even more difficult. A clinical psychologist will ask you about how pain has impacted on your mood and your life. Their aim is to help you understand your pain problem, and explore a range of coping strategies to help you manage your pain.

Specialist Physiotherapy

This may be used as an assessment tool, or as a treatment option, depending on your symptoms. Where physiotherapy input is required, each case is evaluated to decide how this might best be provided.

Physiotherapy requires engagement in order to be helpful, which means that anyone receiving physiotherapy must feel able to participate in the programme.

Each programme is designed to suit the individual's needs and may include a combination of exercises to practise, lifestyle advice, desensitisation work and education tools.