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Instructions for patients before surgery

Before you come to the hospital

Smoking increases the chance of heart and chest complications: please, do not smoke from the time you read this, as even a short period without smoking will reduce the risk.

If there is food or liquid in your stomach during your anaesthetic, it could cause choking or serious damage to your lungs. Food includes soup, milk, sweets and chewing gum.

  • Morning patients may eat a light meal before 3.00am, and then only water up to 7.00am.
  • Afternoon patients may eat a light breakfast before 7.00am, and then only water up to 11.00am.
  • Please take any regular tablets or medicines unless otherwise advised.
  • Please take a bath or shower on the morning of your admission.
  • Please remove any make-up and nail varnish.
  • Please ensure that you have a supply of paracetamol and ibuprofen at home (these can be purchased from any chemist). We will give you advice about taking these when you are discharged.

When you arrive at the hospital

  • The doors to the unit open at about 7.50am – please do not arrive any earlier than this, as you will not be able to gain access to the department.
  • Morning patients please report to the Day Case Unit at 8.00am, so that the doctors can see you before they begin operating for the day.
  • Afternoon patients please report to the Day Case Unit at 12.00 noon, so that the doctors can see you before they begin operating for the day.
  • Please bring slippers and a dressing gown as there will be a short walk to the operating theatre.
  • Please do not bring any valuables, as we cannot look after them for you.

After the operation

  • Your discharge time will depend on your unique circumstances.
  • Please arrange to have someone to collect you. We will ring them from the Day Case Unit when you are ready to be collected.
  • A responsible adult must accompany you home and remain available to you over the next 48 hours: if these arrangements are not in place your surgery will be cancelled.
  • Before you leave we will give you advice about working, driving, dressings, removal of stitches etc.
  • You must not drive or operate machinery for 48 hours after a general anaesthetic. Depending on the type of surgery you have had, this period may be longer than 48 hours.

If you are unwell

If you have a cold or are unwell, please do not come to hospital but let us know as soon as possible so that we can rearrange your surgery.

  • Tel: 01295 229650
  • General and Vascular Surgery: 01295 229395
  • Gynaecology: 01295 229394
  • Urology: 01295 229293

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