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Hospital car parking charges

This article is more than six years old.

There has been media coverage today (Thursday 28 December 2017) of hospital car parking charges, following a Press Association survey.

All money raised by Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust from car parking charges on our hospital sites is reinvested in our services to benefit patients - this is not a commercial money-making operation.

If parking was free, the spaces would most likely be used by people who are not visiting our hospitals, which in turn would disadvantage patients, visitors and staff who would be unable to find parking spaces.

We encourage everyone who is able to use public transport to travel to our hospital sites to do so - but we recognise this is not always possible.

Therefore we make every effort to reduce the financial burden of car parking charges on some of our most vulnerable patients and visitors.

  • Patients who have to come to our hospitals on numerous occasions over an extended period of time are entitled to a free parking permit.
  • Cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment, as well as patients who need regular kidney dialysis, can apply for a free permit.
  • We reduce car parking charges for families of patients in our Critical Care Unit, Intensive Care Unit and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, as well as visitors of patients who are in hospital for an extended period of time.
  • We provide priority parking spaces for disabled Blue Badge holders.

For further information please see 'Parking charges and concessions'