This week, 1 - 7 June 2023, is Volunteers' Week
This article is more than one year old.
Volunteers' Week is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering.
Like so many organisations across the NHS, we benefit enormously from the time, energy and goodwill of an army of volunteers, not only through our Voluntary Services Department, but also through our Council of Governors, partners such as the League of Friends who run cafés and shops on our hospital sites, hospital radio stations Radio Cherwell and Radio Horton, and the many volunteers and supporters of Oxford Hospitals Charity.
Volunteers are also an integral part of charities such as Supporting the Sick Newborn and their Parents (SSNAP), Sobell House Hospice and Katharine House.
Many of our volunteers help us on a weekly basis, to comfort and reassure patients during a hospital stay, as well as keeping them active and entertained with cultural activities such as art and music.
They also act as guides, raise funds and support administration staff behind the front lines.
Bridget Daly, OUH Voluntary Services Coordinator, says:
"It is an absolute privilege to work with so many wonderful and dedicated people in my role. They enable us to do so much to improve the experiences of patients and staff in our hospitals, and I just can't thank them enough for all they do."
This week, our volunteers are getting together on Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 June for our annual Volunteer Tea Parties, to catch up and enjoy a well-earned break.
If you think you might have time to spare, and would like to become a volunteer in one of our hospitals, or for one of our partners, then do visit our website to find out more.
Thank you, all of you, for what you do.
Pictured: Horton volunteers at a tea party in 2022