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Thank You - HR Records and Workforce Informatics

This article is more than three years old.
Five people standing well apart from each other on a modern staircase

In recent days we have been thanking some of the teams who work for our Trust, but who might not be quite as noticeable as the nurses and doctors on our front line.

Two of these teams are the HR Records Team and the Workforce Informatics Team, both of which have been impacted by the recent COVID-19 crisis.

You will have seen the headlines about nurses and doctors 'stepping up' and either joining, or returning to, the NHS to take part in our response; this brings with it the important task of making sure that they are properly employed - and paid.

Together, our teams have embraced new and different ways of working to get these extra workers fully integrated into our systems in a very short space of time.

As well as their usual workload, the HR Records Team has managed to add 576 new starters in March and April 2020. This included over 200 Aspirant Nurses and medical students employed as Doctors' Assistants in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This was at a time when the department had its own staff members absent through illness.

The Workforce Informatics team has also had to take on additional reporting duties during the pandemic.

Both teams are working remotely and flexibly, during the evenings and weekends, in order to make sure every single additional new starter is paid for the amazing work that they are doing for our patients.

They have also had to adapt to new electronic processes and forms, which have come with a number of challenges, and have done so tirelessly and without complaint, in order to get the job done.

Terry Roberts, OUH Chief People Officer, says:

"When you come into hospital, the nurses and doctors are visible, but you may not be aware of the many vital functions that go on 'behind the scenes'.

"Without the hard work of these teams, and their willingness to go above and beyond, we would not have been able to respond to the current crisis the way that we have."

Thank you all for what you do!

Pictured: HR Records and Workforce Informatics