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CQC Inspection of Maternity Services at the Horton today, Monday 23 October


A team of inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are conducting a planned inspection of our Horton maternity services starting today. At their request, we have also contacted all patients of the service from 1 March 2022 to 31 May 2023 and are also publicising their visit to the general public in order to get wider feedback on our services.

Paula Gardner, Interim Chief Nursing Officer, said: "We hope that every patient has a good experience of using our services, including the Horton's maternity services. We recognise that not every outcome is happy and not every patient has the experience that they would like. If you feel able to, the CQC would like to hear from you about your experiences to learn from them whether they were positive or not.

"You can use this link to tell CQC about our service or any service you have used at any time."