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Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) and Electromyography (EMG)

Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)

These are tests of the nerves in the hands, arms and legs, and sometimes elsewhere in the body. The tests are carried out by a Doctor or Clinical Physiologist.

A small electric current is passed through the skin, and a recording is made of the natural electrical signals further down the nerve, or over a muscle.

This is usually done with pads attached to the skin. The electrical pulses produce a strange tingling sensation. Some patients find this uncomfortable, but it will only last for a few seconds. The muscles may have brief uncontrollable twitches.

Electromyography (EMG)

It may be necessary to record the naturally occurring electrical activity within your muscles. A doctor will insert a fine needle into the muscle to achieve this.

This can be a little uncomfortable, and you may experience some minor bruising or feel sore for a short while after the test.

If you have an appointment for these tests, please let the department know before your test if you are taking warfarin or might have a problem with bleeding or clotting.

If you would like to refer a patient for either a physiologist-led (NCS) or consultant-led (NCS and EMG) clinic please contact us.

Last reviewed:08 February 2024