Teenage and Young Adult Cancer MDT
The Oxford Paediatric Department based at the Children's Hospital and the Adult Oncology and Haematology departments based at the Oxford Cancer Centre work in partnership to form the designated Teenage and Young Adult (TYA) Principal Treatment Centre (PTC).
The catchment population for the service is approximately 2.3 million. Referrals to the service are made from Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Wiltshire. In addition the Sarcoma Service receives referrals from the South West of England.
The PTC provides age-appropriate care, including diagnosis, treatment and management for teenagers and young adults aged 16-24 (up to their 25th birthday). Treatment is available for a wide range of cancers, and there are close links with the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre for sarcoma patients.
Paediatric Haematology/Oncology is based at the Children's Hospital, John Radcliffe Hospital site.
Adult Oncology/Haematology is based at the Churchill Hospital.
For information about the TYA MDT and referrals to our CLIC Sargent workers, our clinical psychologist and the TYA MDT please see:
Teenage and Young Adult MDT referrals
16-18 year olds must be referred to the Principal Treatment Centre (PTC) for treatment.
If the young person is in full-time education, they will be under the care of the paediatric team and treated at the Children's Hospital at the John Radcliffe Hospital.
Others within this age group not in full-time education will be considered on an individual basis as to the most appropriate place for treatment (children's or adults' services). Some care may be arranged closer to home at the local designated hospital with agreement of the PTC; this must be age appropriate without compromise to quality, trial or study entry or clinical safety.
For referring patients aged 16-18 call Kamran's Ward on 01865 234068/69 to contact the on call consultant/team, or the secretaries on 01865 234196.
19-24 year olds should be offered the choice of where to receive their treatment: at OUH within the Oxford Cancer Centre at the Churchill Hospital or at their local designated hospital (if relevant service available).
For referring patients aged 19-24 for treatment contact the relevant site-specific treating team/consultant: if unsure please contact the TYA team who will be able to advise.
TYA Specialist Cancer Care Team
- TYA PTC Lead Clinician - Dr Georgina Hall
- TYA MDT Lead - Dr David Cutter
- TYA PTC Lead Nurse - Karen Sherbourne
The TYA Specialist Team is a dedicated group of professionals:
- Teenage Cancer Trust Youth Support Worker
- CLIC Sargent Social worker
- Clinical Psychologist
- TYA Senior Specialist Nurse
- MDT Coordinator and Service Administrator
who work alongside the young person's medical and nursing teams, who manage the young person's treatment to give them extra care and support, providing care that extends beyond the direct focus of the young person's treatment.
TYA Radiotherapy
Contact us
Service leads
TYA Team
Team email contact: tya.oxford@nhs.net
TYA Team office
Level 1, Cancer and Haematology Centre
Churchill Hospital
Old Road
Oxford OX3 7LJ
Tel: 01865 572281
Fertility preservation
We now offer a service which preserves fertility in young patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy. This involves the freezing of ovarian or testicular tissue for reimplantation later in life.
Fertility preservation: tissue cryopreservation