Adult Cardiothoracic Pre-admission and Discharge Liaison Service
The Pre-admission and Discharge Liaison Nurses are based at the John Radcliffe Hospital and provide support, education and care to patients at the Oxford Heart Centre, and also to their relatives.
Cardiothoracic Surgery Pre-operative Assessment Clinic
The Cardiothoracic Pre-operative Assessment Clinic provides an environment in which patients and their families can discuss their forthcoming admission, surgery and recovery.
Each patient is seen by a Specialist Nurse, Doctor or Physician Associate and, if appropriate, an Anaesthetist.
We aim to ensure patients are mentally and physically prepared for their surgery and that their individual needs are catered for wherever possible.
We also provide information and a telephone helpline number. We offer telephone support both pre-operatively and post-operatively following discharge from hospital.
Tests carried out in clinic include ECG, chest X-ray and blood tests. Some patients will have other tests booked on the day of clinic.
If further investigations or lifestyle changes are needed, these are organised after the Pre-operative Assessment Clinic appointment.
Our team
Rory Cantillon
Matron for Cardiothoracic Surgery
Tel: 01865 228302
Emma Webb
Lead Nurse, Pre-operative Assessment Clinic
Tel: 01865 572861
Jane Moody, Anne Davies, Amanda Budden, Filipa Leitao
Pre-operative Assessment and Discharge Liaison Nurses for Cardiothoracic Surgery
Tel: 01865 220274
Tabita Masih
Nursing Assistant
Find us and contact us
Cardiothoracic Pre-admission and Discharge Liaison Service
Level 1, John Radcliffe Hospital
Headley Way
Oxford OX3 9DU
Telephone helpline: 01865 220274
We hold our clinics in Oxford Heart Centre Outpatients.
How to find the John Radcliffe Hospital
Cardiology Pre-admissions Clinic
Lead nurse
Sarah Beauchamp ANP
Cardiology PAC nurses
- Jolly Subramanian SNP
- Ilona Okros SNP
- Nicola Ilott SNP
- Hodo Hassan (HCA)
Claire Trillwood
Contact us
Tel: 01865 231613