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For partners

As a partner of someone who is pregnant, you may need support and advice.

The NHS website has a good range of information available for partners.

Partners visiting

During labour and birth we encourage partners to stay at any time, and up to two birth partners can be present in birthing areas.

On the wards up to two people may visit at any time between 8.00am and 8.00pm - these need to be the same people.

For further information please speak to your midwife.

Parking at the John Radcliffe Hospital site can be difficult, but there is a drop-off area and two drop-off bays just outside the Women's Centre entrance.

How to find the John Radcliffe Hospital

How to find the Horton General Hospital

Parking charges and concessions

Whilst there are a number of food retail outlets at the John Radcliffe and Horton sites, we would recommend ensuring you have food and drinks with you for the duration of your visit.

Antenatal education

We are pleased to offer first-time parents free antenatal parent education and infant feeding sessions in partnership with the National Childbirth Trust (NCT):

OUH / NCT Antenatal Education and Infant Feeding Sessions

Safe sleeping video - 'Lift the Baby'

Over 130 babies die in the UK each year as a result of unsafe sleeping, many because a parent or carer falls asleep while holding them.

We can prevent these deaths - please watch this video.

Last reviewed:07 September 2023