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The following publications are recommended reading for health professionals caring for patients with chronic pain.

Do baseline patient reported outcome measures predict changes in self-reported function, following a chronic pain rehabilitation programme?
British Journal of Pain 17 (6), 532-545
Heelas L, Soni A, Barker K

A Functional Restoration Programme for chronic low back pain: A Prospective Outcome Study.
Physiotherapy 86 285-293
Frost H et al (2000)

Randomised controlled trial to compare surgical stabilisation of the lumbar spine with an intensive rehabilitation programme for patients with chronic low back pain: the MRC spine stabilisation trial.
BMJ 330 1233-1239
Fairbank J et al (2005)

Surgical stabilisation of the spine compared with a programme of intensive rehabilitation for the management of patients with chronic low back pain: cost utility analysis based on a randomised controlled trial.
BMJ: British Medical Journal (International Edition), 28 May 2005, vol./is. 330/7502(1239-1243), 09598146
Rivero-Arias O, Campbell H, Gray A, Fairbank J, Frost H, Wilson-MacDonald J

Introducing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to a physiotherapy-led pain rehabilitation programme: AnAction Research Study
British Journal of Pain, May 2015 DOI: 10.1177/2049463715587117
Barker K, Heelas L, Toye F

Does the bio-psychosocial model help to legitimise unexplained back pain?
European Journal of Pain, September 2009, vol./is. 13/(S267-S268), 1090-3801 (September 2009)
Toye F, Barker K

'Could I be imagining this?' - the dialectic struggles of people with persistent unexplained back pain.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 2010, vol./is. 32/21(1722-32), 0963-8288;1464-5165 (2010)
Toye F, Barker K

'I can't see any reason for stopping doing anything, but I might have to do it differently'- restoring hope to patients with persistent non-specific low back pain - a qualitative study.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 2012, vol./is. 34/11(894-903), 0963-8288;1464-5165 (2012)
Toye F, Barker K

Which Pain Rehabilitation Programmes Should Patients With Chronic Back Pain Attend? - A Practical Example of a Service Evaluation Based Upon Implementing Research Findings into Clinical Practice
J Nov Physiother Phys Rehabil 1(2): 107
Barker KL, Heelas L, Buchanan E, Toye F (2014)


Evaluation of patient reported outcomes following pain management programmes delivered via video conferencing during the Covid-19 pandemic
Physiotherapy 114, e8
Heelas L, Nicholas J, Wiltshire S, Barker K

A rapid review of evidence for management of patients that frequently attend emergency departments with chronic pain
November 2019 PhysioUK 19
Heelas L

Does Patients' Perception of Improvement Following a Pain Management Programme, Match Reported Minimally Clinically Important Differences?
British Journal of Pain 2018, Vol. 12(2) Supplement 1 5-5
Heelas L, Wiltshire S, Wall A, Barker K

A service evaluation to assess the clinical effectiveness of stratifying patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain in secondary care
British Journal of Pain 2016, Vol. 10(2) Supplement 1 5-91
Heelas L, Toye F, Barker K

Last reviewed:10 June 2024