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Children's Haematology and Oncology

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Children's Haemoglobinopathy and Red Cell

The Children's Haemoglobinopathy and Red Cell Service provides a comprehensive clinical service for the population of Oxfordshire, and acts as the hub for major haemoglobinopathy referrals for tertiary care from the Thames Valley network for sickle cell disease and thalassaemia.

We also look after patients with Rare Inherited Anaemias and Diamond Blackfan Anaemia (DBA).

We are based in the Children's Hospital, Oxford and hold outreach haemoglobinopathy annual review clinics in the other hospitals across the Thames Valley Region.

We work closely with the highly-skilled laboratory which provides antenatal haemoglobinopathy screening and newborn screening for the Thames Valley and beyond.

Oxford is the lead hospital for the Wessex and Thames Valley Haemoglobinopathy Coordinating Centre (HCC), coordinating care for both the Oxford and the Southampton specialist haemoglobinopathy teams.

Our team

Dr Amrana Qureshi
Consultant Haematologist (Service Lead)

Dr Ismail ElBeshlawi
Paediatric Haematology Consultant

Lesley McCarthy
Roald Dahl Haemoglobinopathy Specialist Nurse



Routine appointments: Thursday afternoons

Annual reviews and Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound scans: Tuesday afternoons

We offer face to face, video and telephone appointments.

If your child needs a blood test, we have a Phlebotomist (someone specially trained to take blood samples) and a Play Specialist to help.

Find us and contact us

Level LG1 Oxford Children's Hospital
John Radcliffe Hospital

How to find the John Radcliffe Hospital

Appointment queries: 01865 234212

Planned transfusions

We carry out planned transfusions for children with Sickle Cell Disease, Diamond Blackfan Anaemia (DBA) and Thalassaemia in Kamran's Day Care.


Urgent problems

If your child is unwell, we will assess them and admit them to Kamran's Ward.

If your child needs to be admitted to hospital for treatment, we will always try to find a bed on Kamran's Ward. If your child is admitted to Paediatric Critical Care (PICU and PHDU), we will still care for them there.

If your child has a high temperature, uncontrolled pain or appears pale and unwell, contact Kamran's Ward.


We use the 'Ready, Steady, Go, Hello' programme for transitioning care to adult services, in line with NICE guidance.

Our paediatric specialist nurse works with young people and parents from about the age of 14 to develop skills and understanding of their condition.

We carry out video consultations with young people across the region.

Contact us

Haematology Secretariat


Tel: 01865 857151

Specialist Nurse

Lesley McCarthy

Tel: 01865 226487

Red Cell Service and Quality Manager

Marta Maia

Patient information


We welcome your feedback, so if you have comments or concerns, please speak to a member of the team.

If they are unable to resolve your concerns, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Patient feedback

Service improvement

To get involved in improving the local service, please contact your Specialist Nurse.

Last reviewed:22 January 2024