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Immunology Laboratory

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ImmunodeficiencyThe immunodeficiency section tests for the presence and function of different cells of the immune system. We also determine immune competence by measurement of antibody responses to specific vaccines. We offer a comprehensive range of tests to investigate primary and secondary immune deficiencies.

Our most common test is monitoring the number of CD4 T cells in HIV patients, as well as measuring T cells, B cells and NK cells in babies and children with a suspected immunodeficiency, such as Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID). We can also measure the function of T cells by their ability to proliferate to mitogens or ability to up-regulate activation markers in response to mitogens and antigens. These tests are all carried out by flow cytometry. Memory B cell phenotyping using the Euroclass classification for CVID is available, as well as extended T cell marker analysis.

We also investigate a number of neutrophil and innate deficiencies. For Chronic Granulomatous Disease we offer a neutrophil function test using DHR staining and CD18 expression on neutrophils is available for patients suspected of Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency. We are also able to investigate defects in a number of innate pathogen recognition pathways, such as IRAK-4 and UNC-93b.

Immunodeficiency tests