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Oxford Eye Hospital

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Service updates

We will contact you by letter or telephone to tell you which type of consultation we think is best for you.

Types of appointment

Telephone consultation

Where appropriate we may contact you by telephone to review your treatment or to discuss your condition in more detail.

Video consultation

'Attend Anywhere' is a secure web-based platform for pre-arranged video consultations. We will contact you directly if this method of consultation is appropriate for you.

Virtual clinic

When you come to Oxford Eye Hospital for photos of your eyes to be taken, or for additional tests, your clinician will contact you in writing or by telephone later to give you your results.

Face to face hospital appointment

These appointments will be in person with your Doctor, Optometrist, Orthoptist or Nurse Practitioner.

Attending Oxford Eye Hospital


Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your appointment time. We may ask you to wait outside the Eye Hospital until your appointment time.

If you need assistance during your appointment, a carer may come in with you. Our staff will support you if you have a visual impairment.

Please being any glasses you currently wear and details of any medications you have been prescribed. Refreshments are available in the John Radcliffe Hospital West Wing atrium.

Please use the hand gel provided.

Children's appointments

One parent or carer may accompany a child attending for an appointment, but do not bring their siblings please.

Dilating eye drops

To avoid waiting areas becoming crowded, we may ask you to leave the department while eye drops are taking effect.

We will give you a pager, or take down your mobile telephone number, and will contact you when we are ready to see you.


If you are unable to attend your appointment please do tell us so we can offer it to someone else.

Tel: 01865 234567


Last reviewed:20 February 2023